Senin, 07 September 2015

Responding to initial greetings

Group Task       :     Innovative on ELT
Lecturer             :     Juwita Crestiani. M, S.Pd., M.Pd.




A.    Innovative Learning
a.    What is Innovation
Peter Drucker : “Change that creates a new dimension of performance.”
Guy Kawasaki : “Creating something before people know they need it.”
Based on the explanation from two experts above,  innovation is created something new from the something that has exist before and than make the change to that.

b.   What is Innovative Learning
Rogers dan Shoemaker (1971) defines innovative learning as new ideas, new practices, or objects which can be perceived as something new by an individual or learners.
Syah dan Kariadinata (2009: 16) Innovative learning to balance left and right brain function if it is done by integrating media / tools mainly based on new technology / forward into the learning process.
Based on the explanation from two experts above, innovative learning is a new idea to create something positive for the learners in order to facilitate the learning process and can balance the left and right brain functions through new technology-based media

B.     Learning Method
M. Bayiruddin Usman in (15 May 2015, 03.36) The learning methods is a way for the delivery of lessons learned to achieve objectives set.
Gerlach and Elly in (15 May 2015, 03.45) The learning methods is a systematic plan to convey information.
Based on the explanation from two experts above, The learning methods can be defined as a way used to implement plans which had been arranged in the form real activities and practical to achieve the purpose of learning.
C.    Learning Strategy
a.    What is Learning Strategy
Kirby in Sisal Journal (15 May 2015, 04.03) The means of selecting, combining, redesigning cognitive routines.
Rigney in Sisal Journal (15 May 2015, 04.09) General operations or procedure.
Based on the explanation from two experts above, An action plan ( the series of activities including ) who also use metode and utilization of various resources / strength in learning.
D.    Strategy
a.    What is Strategy
B. H. Liddell Hart : “definition of strategy as "the art of the employment of battles as a means to gain the object of war
Henry Mintzberg : “Strategy is a pattern in actions over time; for example, a company that regularly markets very expensive products is using a "high end" strategy.
Based on the explanation from two experts above, Strategy is a plan, a "how," a means of getting from here to there.

E.     Lesson Plan
a.     What is Lesson Plan
"A lesson plan is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction for an individual lesson or a teacher's document used to plan a lesson." (
"A writing noting the method of delivery, and the specific goals and timeline associated to the delivery of the lesson content." (
Based on the explanation from two experts above, lesson plan is before we do anything we must plan what to do, how to do, why to do and when to do. Also in the teaching, a teacher must plan what he wants to teach the students, why he wants teach and how to teach. The first thing that a teacher must do is preparing a lesson.


A.                Syllabus and Lesson Plan
            Teacher provides a syllabus and lesson plan. Lesson plan was make based on syllabus. Basic Competence speaking skill which was taught to the students. The material is “Responding to initial greetings” There are 2 Indicators.
In this study the teacher applied Total Physical Response and TGT in Responding to initial greetings” material, in this lesson teacher try to make students recognize about the material according to indicators. Start from giving introduction about responding to initial greetings and the function for learning about Responding to initial greetings so that students easier to learn the material and can move to another indicators. The second indicator is students know the material about responding to initial greetings. And the last indicator is student able to understand and can use Responding to initial greetings in their daily live.
In teaching, we do some procedure as follows:
1.        Introduction 5 minutes)
1)        Greeting
2)        Asking about the students’ condition.
3)        Introducing the material.
4)      Asking the students about the material found out the prior knowledge.
-Have you ever learnt about Responding to initial greetings ?
-Have you ever heard about Responding to initial greetings ?

2.        Main Activity 40 minutes)
1)        The teacher gave introduction about Responding to initial greetings
2)        The teacher explain about Responding to initial greetings
3)        Student can mantion the greeting in canversation
4)        Student answer the responding in greeting conversatioin
5)        Student know the expression of introduction, greeting and parting
6)        Student know how to respond the expression of introduction, greeting and parting
7)        Student write down the vocabulary tha theyt the have learn
8)        Teacher ask students to make a pair in group
9)        Teacher give explanation what the students must to do (make a conversation)
10)    Students doing the command from the teacher
11)    Teachig invite some groups come to in front of class
12)    The gruop show their result of conversation that they have made
13)    Teacher give reward to the brave students that show their conversation in front of class.
14)    Student undertand the material abou responding the initial greeting by oral even written.

3.        Closing Activity15 minutes)
1)        The teacher asked the students the advantage after learning about responding the initial greeting
2.      The teacher ask student to always improve their knowledge about responding the initial greeting

B.     Observation
There are some observers who observe our teaching process. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
C.    Reflection


A.      Conclusion
The material of responding the initial greeting explains students to know some expression in introduction, greeting and parting when meet someone. Students have to understand the material to improve their speaking skill. Responding the initial greeting is the material tell about how to make a conversation, how to use the conversation in their daily activity, especially to make their daily activity. If student meet someone, it can progress their knowledge to improve their speaking skill (in their daily life). This material teach student become more active in learning, from the material side it’s so interesting plus the explanation about this material.
B.     Suggestion
After read this report, we hope the reader can understand how to teaching this material (Responding the initial greeting), and we hope to the reader to find enother reference that can addition more knowledge.


Y , Gu.  Learning Strategies: Prototypical Core and Dimensions of Variation”. 26 Mei 2015.

Admin. “pengertian metode pembelajaran menurut para ahli”. 26 May 2015.

Hibahnaz. “Lesson Plan: Definitions and Origins”. 26 May 2015.

Afidburhanuddin. “konsep dasar pembelajaran inovative”. 26 May 2015.

Utami, Nuria. “Materi greeting,introducing and leave taking”. 26 May 2015.


Estimated Time
Teacher Role/ Activity
 Student Role/ Activity
1.         Beginning the class

   Greeting and pray together

   Getting down to start (Start with prayers)

2.         Running the class
a.   Presentation
   Beginning with introduction the material

   Give an explanation about Responding to initial greetings

   Make a some example about the material

   Make some group

   Group assigment
   Show the result of the assigment

3.         Closing /Ending the lesson

   Conclution  the material

   Closing by greeting


  3-5        Minutes

2-3 Minutes

10 Minutes

5 Minutes

3 Minutes

5 Minutes
9 Minutes

5 Minutes

5 Minutes

Greetings students


Teacher ask the student have day ever learn about Responding to initial greetings

Explain about Responding to initial greetings

Give some vocabulary and some expression about introduction, greeting and parting.
Teacher explain and give the example
Devided the student intosome group in pair
Teacher cecking the students group

Give the instruction to make assigment
Teacher invite some groups in fontof the class

Teacher  repeat the mainpoint of material


Greeting for the teacher


Answering the teacher’s questions.

Listening to the teacher’s explanation.

Student mention that expression

Students write down the material
Make group in pair
Student finish devide theirself in group
Do the assigment
Students come forward in the class to show their assigment

Student listening the teacher

Pay attention

APPENDIX 2                                   

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Satuan Pendidikan          :     SMA NEGERI 1 PALOPO
Mata Pelajaran                :     Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester                :     X / 1
Alokasi Waktu                 :     2 x 45 menit ( 1x pertemuan )
Topik Pembelajaran       :     Responding to initial greetings
Pertemuan Ke                 :     1

A.     Standar Kompetensi
         1.               Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.   
3.               Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari.

B.     Kompetensi Dasar
1.1             Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu/berpisah, menyetujui ajakan/tawaran/ undangan, menerima janji, dan membatal-kan janji
3.1             Mengung-kapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal ( bersosiali-sasi) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dengan mengguna-kan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu/ berpisah, menyetujui ajakan/ tawaran/ undangan, menerima janji, dan membatalkan janji
C.     Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Nilai Budaya Dan
Karakter Bangsa
Merespon dengan benar terhadap tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu dan berpisah .
Religius, jujur, toleransi, disiplin, kerja keras, mandiri, demokratis, rasa ingin tahu, semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air, menghargai prestasi, bersahabat, cinta damai, gemar membaca, peduli lingkungan, peduli sosial, tanggung jawab, mandiri
Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan interpersonal / transaksional: berkenalan, bertemu dan berpisah.

Kewirausahaan/ Ekonomi Kreatif :
§  Percaya diri (keteguhan hati, optimis).
§  Berorientasi pada tugas (bermotivasi, tekun/tabah, bertekad, enerjik).
§  Pengambil resiko (suka tantangan, mampu memimpin)
§  Orientasi ke masa depan (punya perspektif untuk masa depan)
D.     Tujuan Pembelajaran
                  Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat :
·         Merespon dengan benar terhadap tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu dan berpisah .
·         Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan interpersonal / transaksional: berkenalan, bertemu dan berpisah.

E.     Materi Pokok
Responding to initial greetings
-       very well, thank you and how are you.
-       I’m good/okay/alright
-       Very well. Thank you
-       Oh, pretty good
-       Not to bad, thanks
-       Fine, thanks.
-       exellent

F.      Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:
Total Physical Response

G.     Strategi Pembelajaran
Tatap Muka
§  Bertanya jawab tentang tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu dan berpisah.
§  Membahas unsur dan langkah retorika dalam pertanyaan teks tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu dan berpisah.
§  Membahas ciri-ciri leksikogramatika.
§  Membacakan cerita kepada kelompok atau kelas (monolog).
§  Menceritakan kembali cerita kepada kelompok atau kelas (monolog).
§  Membahas kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa dalam melakukan kegiatan terstruktur dan mandiri.
§  Dengan kelompok belajarnya, siswa diberi tugas untuk melakukan hal-hal berikut, dan melaporkan setiap kegiatan kepada guru, a.l. tentang tempat, siapa saja yang datang, kesulitan yang dihadapi.
§  tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu dan berpisah dengan kelompok belajarnya
§  Membahas unsur dan langkah retorika dalam teks naratif.
§  Membahas ciri-ciri leksikogramatika.
§  Membacakan cerita kepada kelompok (monolog).
§  Menceritakan kembali cerita kepada kelompok (monolog).

§  Siswa melakukan berbagai kegiatan terkait dengan wacana berbentuk naratif di luar tugas tatap muka dan terstruktur yang diberikan guru.
§  Siswa mengumpulkan setiap hasil kerja dalam portofolio, dan melaporkan hal-hal yang sudah diperoleh serta kesulitan yang dihadapi secara rutin kepada guru.

Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
§  Kegiatan Awal  (10’)
-      Mengucapkan salam dengan ramah kepada siswa ketika memasuki ruang kelas (nilai yang ditanamkan: santun, peduli)
-      Mengecek kehadiran siswa (nilai yang ditanamkan: disiplin, rajin)
-      Mengaitkan materi/kompetensi yang akan dipelajari dengan karakter
-      Dengan merujuk pada silabus, RPP, dan bahan ajar, menyampaikan butir karakter yang hendak dikembangkan selain yang terkait dengan SK/KD
-      Siswa berdiskusi mengenai pertanyaan yang tertera di buku teks

§  Kegiatan Inti (70’)
Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi guru:
§  Memberikan stimulus berupa pemberian materi pertanyaan teks tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu dan berpisah.
§  Mendiskusikan materi bersama siswa  (Buku : Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris mengenai pertanyaan teks tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu dan berpisah.
§  Memberikan kesempatan pada peserta didik mengkomunikasikan secara lisan atau mempresentasikan mengenai pertanyaan teks tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu dan berpisah.
§  Siswa diminta membahas contoh soal dalam Buku : Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris mengenai pertanyaan teks tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu dan berpisah.

Dalam kegiatan elaborasi guru:
§  Membiasakan siswa membuat kalimat pertanyaan teks tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu dan berpisah.
§  Memfasilitasi siswa melalui pemberian tugas mengerjakan latihan soal yang ada pada buku ajar Bahasa Inggris untuk dikerjakan secara individual.
Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi  guru:
§  Memberikan umpan balik pada siswa dengan memberi penguatan dalam bentuk lisan pada siswa yang telah dapat menyelesaikan tugasnya.
§  Memberi konfirmasi pada hasil pekerjaan yang sudah dikerjakan oleh siswa melalui sumber buku lain.
§  Memfasilitasi siswa melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh pengalaman belajar yang sudah dilakukan.
§  Memberikan motivasi kepada siswa yang kurang dan belum bisa mengikuti dalam materi mengenai pertanyaan teks tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu dan berpisah.
§  Kegiatan Akhir (10’)
§  Siswa diminta membuat rangkuman dari materi mengenai pertanyaan teks tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu dan berpisah.
§  Siswa dan Guru melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah dilaksanakan.
§  Siswa diberikan pekerjaan rumah (PR) berkaitan dengan materi mengenai pertanyaan teks tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu dan berpisah.
§  Menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya.
H.     Sumber/Bahan/Alat
§  Buku Look Ahead 1  , English for Better Life
§  Buku Inter-Language Kelas X
§  Kaset/CD
§  Tape
§  Script dari Look Ahead 1 dan Inter-Language
I.       Penilaian

I. Indikator, Teknik, Bentuk, dan Contoh.




Merespon dengan benar terhadap tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu dan berpisah .

Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan interpersonal / transaksional: berkenalan, bertemu dan berpisah.
Performance Assessment (responding)

Tes Lisan

Melengkapi dialog

Membuat dialog

Read and give a response to the following expressions.

To end the conversation, what would you say to someone.

II. Instrumen  Penilaian

Read and give a response to the following expressions.
1.      How are you doing ?
2.      Hello,
3.      see you tomorrow
4.      goodbye
5.      see you about seven, then.
6.      good night
7.      see you later
8.      how do you do ?
9.      see you soon.

             Kepala Sekolah,

NIP 19561222 198403 1 009

Palopo, 1 Juli 2013
Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris,

NIP 19761008 200312 1 005


1.      School                                                 :  MAN PALOPO
2.      Subject                                                            :  Bahasa Inggris
3.      Time Allotment                                   :  90 minutes (from 7:30 to 09:00)
4.      Room                                                  :  English Building
5.      Class                                                    :  X
6.      Level                                                   :  Same ability level (average)
7.      Semester                                              :  Ganjil          
8.      Language Focus                                  :  Speaking
9.      Topic                                                   :  Responding to initial greetings
10.  Prior Knowledge                                 :  Greetings and Introduction
11.  Goal                                                     : Able to understand and can use Responding to initial greetings in the daily live
Cognitive Objectives
a.    Knowledge  :
The students are expected be able to analyzethe form of Responding to initial greetings
b.      Comprehension :
 The students are expected be able to make conversation using Responding to initial greetings

Affective Objectives
a.    Receiving :
The students are expected to listen attentively to teacher’s explanation
b.   Responding  :
The students are expected to respond actively to teacher’s questions

Psychomotor Objectives
Precision :
The students are expected to demonstrate the teacher’s instruction correctly
Interpersonal Objectives
Seeking/Giving Information :
The students are expected to practice conversation using Responding to initial greetings

Responding to initial greetings
Class Gab. B Smstr IV
Time 90 Minutes
Recognize the students about Responding to initial greetings
Recognize the students about Responding to initial greetings (expression in introduction, greeting and parting)
Plan of Learning
1.      The students recognize about Responding to initial greetings.
2.      The students able to know Responding to initial greetings (expression in introduction, greeting and parting)
3.      The students able in understood about Responding to initial greetings.
Greetings, pray together, and introduce the material about Responding to initial greetings.


Lesson 1: Using expressions of greeting, introducing and parting
  • Cara menyapa (Expressions of greeting)
  • Menanyakan kabar (asking how someone is)
  • Cara mengucapkan selamat berpisah (Expressions of parting / leave taking)
How do you do?
How do you do?
Tidak punya arti. Diucapkan ketika pertama kali bertemu.
Good morning.
Good afternoon. 
Good evening.
Good day.
Good morning.
Good afternoon.
Good evening.
Good day (selamat siang) hanya dipakai di Australia.
Nice to see you.
Good to meet you.
Pleased to meet you.
How nice to meet you.
Nice/good/pleased to meet you too.
Yes, it's been so nice.
Senang berkenalan denganmu.
How are you?
How are you doing?
How have you been?
How is it going on?
I’m fine thank you.
Not bad.
I am very well.
I’m alright/good.
It’s ok.
Bagaimana kabar kamu?
Menanyakan Kabar
Good bye.
See you.
See you later.
Good bye.
See you.
See you later.
Selamat tinggal
Mengucapkan Selamat Tinggal

Examples in conversation:
Dialogue 1
Ranti meets her teacher, Mr Bakri at the post office.
Ranti : Good afternoon, Sir.
Mr Bakri : Good afternoon. You are ....
Ranti : Ranti, Sir. My name is Ranti. How are you?
Mr Bakri : I am fine, thank you. And how about you?
Ranti : I am fine, too.
Mr Bakri : Well, Ranti. I have to go now. Pleased to meet you.
Ranti : Pleased to meet you, too, Sir.

Dialogue 2
Dewi : Hello, I’m Dewi. What’s your name?
Dani : Hello, Dewi. I’m Dani Perdana. Please call me Dani.
Dewi : Where do you live, Dani?
Dani : I live at Jl. Achmad Yani 27.
Dewi : Oh, do you?
Dani : Yes, I do.
Dewi : So, we are neighbours.
Dani : Are we?
Dewi : Yeah. I live at 8.

Dialogue 3
Cipto waiting for Andi and Yani, his new colleague at the airport. 
Andi : Excuse me. Are you Henri?
Cipto : Yes. I'm Cipto Susanto.
Andi : How do you do, Cipto? I'm Andi from University of Jakarta.
Cipto : How do you do, Cipto. Nice to see you.
Andi : Nice to meet you, too. Did you have a good journey?
Cipto : Yes. It was fine, thanks.
Andi : Let me help you to bring your suitcase.
Cipto : That's very kind of you.
Andi : Not at all. Let me introduce you to my friend Yani this is Cipto. Cipto this is Yani.
Yani : Hello, Cipto. Nice to meet you.
Cipto : Pleased to meet you, too. How's the trip?
Yani : Well, It's nice and exciting.
Cipto : Great, then. You must be tired. I'll take you to the Hotel first.
Andi : OK. Thanks, Cipto. 

Dialogue 4
Andi : Good morning. My name is Andi.
Denias : Good morning Andi. I’m Denias.
Andi : Denias, this is Adib. We were classmates the Junior High School.
Denias : Hi, Adib. How do you do?
Adib : How do you do.
Andi : By the way, did you join pencak silat extracurricular activity in the Junior High School? 
Denias : Yes, I did.
Andi : Oh, that’s great. Adib and I have never joined it before.
Adib : We hope you can help us.
Denias : Sure.
Andi : Okay, see you this afternoon.
Adib : See you Denias.
Denias : See you.





Utami, Nuria. “Materi greeting,introducing and leave taking”. 26 May 2015.

Materi greeting,introducing and leave taking
Study the following expressions of greetings, introducing, meeting
and parting.
·                     Good morning.
·                     Good afternoon.
·                     Good evening.
·                     How nice to see you
·                     Hello. 
·                     How are you?
·                     How do you do?
·                     How're you doing?
·                     Hi!
·                     Good morning.
·                     Good afternoon.
·                     Good evening.
·                     Yes, it's been so nice.
·                     Hello.
·                     Fine, thanks.
·                     How do you do?
·                     Not bad.
·                     Hi!

Formal Greeting
Informal Greeting.
• Good morning.
• Good afternoon.
• Good evening.
• Good morning, sir.
• Hi, Lizzy!
• Morning, Jim!
• Hello

Initial Greetings
Responding to Initial Greetings
• How are you?
• How’s it going?
• How are you doing?
• How’s life?
• Very well, thank you and how are you?
• I’m good/okay/alright.
• Very well, thank you.
• Oh, pretty good.
• Not too bad, thanks.
• Fine, thanks.
• Excellent.
• OK then…
• I’ve got to go now.
• So, I’ll see you next week.
• I think I’d better be going now.
• Well, it’s time for me to leave.
• I think it’s already late at night.
• I must be going home.

• Good night.
• Goodbye.
• See you later.
• Bye.

• Good night
• Goodbye.
• See you.
• Bye.

Introducing yourself
• First let me introduce
• My name is ....
• Allow me to introduce my self.
• I'm ...
• Excuse me my name's ...
• How do you do? My  name is ....
• Hi! I'm ...
• Hello! My name is ...
• Good morning. My name's ...

Introducing someone
• I would like to introduce you to ....
• Let me introduce you to ...
• Allow me to introduce ....
• I'd like you to meet ...
• Do you know ...
• Sarah, this is Bona my daughter. Bona, this is Sarah my classmate

·         Good bye
·         See you
·         See you later
·         See you soon
·         See you tonight
·         Good night
·         Bye bye
·         Take care
·         Fine
·         Ok
·         All right
·         Good night



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